28th annual


Dec 16-17 or Dec 17, 2006 - Saturday & Sunday- New Yorker Hotel



A Heritage Event

December 16-17                                                              New York

                    ChessCafe.com Grand Prix Points: 30

28th annual Empire City Open. 5-SS, G/120 (1-day option, rds 1-3 G/30), beautifully renovated and well-lighted Third Floor, New Yorker Hotel, 481 Eighth Ave at 34th St, across from Penn Station, New York, NY. $$4,500 guaranteed prize fund!


In 4 sections.

Open Section:
$700-340-200-100, top U2400/unr $310, Under 2200 $300. FIDE rated.

Under 2000 Section: $500-250-100, top Under 1800 $250, no unrated may win over $300.

Under 1600 Section: $400-200-100, top Under 1400 $200, no unrated may win over $200.

Under 1200 Section: $300-150-100, No unrated may win over $100.

Top 3 sections entry fee: 2-day $78, 1-day $77 if postmarked by 12/8, $76 online thru 12/12 at www.chesstour.com, $80 by phone thru 12/12, $90 at site, GMs free ($50 from prize).

Under 1200 Section entry fee: all $30 less.


Unrated players entry fee (any section-only players with under 4 games are unrated): 2-day $38, 1-day $37 if mailed by 12/8, $36 online at www.chesstour.com by 12/12, $40 by phone by 12/12, $50 at site.


All sections: advance EF $10 less if paid with $49 USCF dues. No checks at site, credit cards OK. Phone entries, questions: 845-569-9969, or 406-896-2038 (entries only, no questions). No calls after 12/12.


2-Day Schedule: reg. ends Sat 10:30 am. rounds Sat 11-3:30-8, Sun 2-6:30 pm.


1-Day Schedule: reg. ends Sun 9:30 am. Rds. 10-11:15-12:30-2-6:30.


Both schedules: Limit 2 byes, must commit by rd. 2. Re-entry: $40, not available in Open Section. Schedules merge after round 3 and compete for same prizes.


Hotel rates: call 212-971-0101 for latest hotel rates, hotel often sells out early!


Entry: Continental Chess, PO Box 249, Salisbury Mills, NY 12577. Advance entries posted at www.chesstour.com. Bring sets, clocks, boards-none supplied! 


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