55th annual



Jan 13-16, 14-16 or 15-16, 2023 (Martin Luther King weekend)
Sheraton Downtown Hotel, Philadelphia


A Heritage Event

Jan. 13-16, 14-16 or 15-16, Pennsylvania

US Chess Grand Prix Points: 120 (Enhanced)

55th annual Liberty Bell Open

7SS, 40/80, SD/30, d30 (3 day option, rds 1-2 G/60 d10; 2 day option in U2100 to U1000, rds 1-4 G/30 d10). 


At Sheraton Downtown Hotel, 201 N 17th St, Philadelphia PA 19103.
Prizes $25,000 based on 350
paid entries (re-entries, GMs & U1000 Section count 70%), else in proportion, except minimum 70% of each prize guaranteed.

Since 2006, this tournament has drawn more than the based on number each year but one and the projected prize fund was increased in proportion!


In 7 sections:

Major (1900/up): $2500-1500-1000-700-500, 1st clear or on tiebreak $100 bonus, top USCF Under 2300/Unr $1200-600.  FIDE rated. See peakrating.us regarding using peak rating to qualify for Major.

Under 2100:
$1200-700-500-300-200. FIDE rated.;
Under 1900:
Under 1700:
Under 1500: $1000-600-400-300-200.
Under 1300:
Under 1000: $700-400-300-200-100.
may enter U1000 to U2100, but may not win over $100 in U1000, $200 in U1300, $300 U1500, $400 U1700 or $500 U1900.

Mixed doubles bonus prizes: Best male-female 2-player combined score among all sections: $1000-600-400. Must average under 2200; may play different sections; register (no extra fee) before both players begin round 2.


Prize limit: If Online Regular official rating is more than 50 points over section or prize maximum, limit $300. 

Top 6 sections entry fee: $123 online at chessaction.com by 1/11, $140 (no checks, credit card OK) at site or online until 1 hour before round 1. GMs free, $100 deducted from prize.

Under 1000 Section entry fee:
All $40 less than top 6 sections entry fee.

USCF membership required. Special 1 year USCF dues with magazine if paid online with entry: Adult $40, Young Adult $25, Youth $18.

(no Major to Major) $70.

4-day schedule:
Reg ends Fri 6 pm, rds Fri 7 pm, Sat 12 & 6, Sun 12 & 6, Mon 10 & 3:30.
3-day schedule:
Reg ends Sat 11 am, rds. Sat 12, 3 & 6, Sun 12 & 6, Mon 10 & 3:30.
2-day schedule (no Major Section):
Reg ends Sun 9 am, rds Sun 10, 12, 2, 3:45 & 6, Mon 10 & 3:30.
Half point byes: OK all, limit 2, must commit before rd 3.


Hotel Rates: $129-129-149-169, reservaton link is posted at chessevents.us.
Reserve by Dec 29 or rate may increase. 

Backup hotel: Sonesta, 9 minutes walk, also offers a $129 chess rate. See link at chessevents.us.


Parking: Sheraton valet parking 50% of regular rate, abut $20 to $25.  Gateway Garage, 1540 Spring St. (1 block from Sheraton Hotel), about $10/day Sat/Sun, $25 other days.

Foreign player rating info                Prizewinner tax info                  CCA electronic devices rules.

PLAYERS MAY NOT POSSESS CELLPHONES DURING PLAY. Please leave your phone home, or in your hotel room or car, or in a bag at your table. 

For all tournaments, adjusted FIDE or foreign ratings, if higher than USCF, may be used. Players must disclose FIDE or foreign ratings when entering, or may later be expelled. Other over the board ratings such as club, league, scholastic, state or province, etc, adjusted if appropriate, may be used at our discretion if above USCF.  No rating below the latest official USCF rating, on the list corresponding to the ending date of the tournament, will be used. For 9 round events offering title norm possibilities, FIDE ratings are used. Click here for further details.

Ratings: January official USCF ratings used. Unofficial uschess.org ratings usually used if otherwise unrated, or to qualify for Major (see peakrating.us). Players must reveal foreign, FIDE and other over the board ratings, and these ratings, adjusted if necessary, may be used, if higher than USCF. See also above.

Car rental: Avis, 800-331-1600, use AWD #D657633, or reserve car online through chesstour.com. 

Bring set, board, clock if possible- none supplied.

chessaction.com. No mailed entries. Questions: Director@Chess.US, www.chesstour.com, www.chesstour.info. Refunds, $15 service charge. Entries posted at chessaction.com (click "entry list" after entering).

Blitz tournament Sun 10:30 pm, enter by 10:10 pm.


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