T. F. GREEN AIRPORT (Providence, RI) is the closest major airport to Foxwoods, a 45 minute drive. BRADLEY AIRPORT (Hartford) is about 70 minutes by car, and LOGAN AIRPORT (Boston) about 100 minutes. However, Logan may have the lowest airfares. GROTON/NEW LONDON AIRPORT is only 23 minutes from Foxwoods, but there are few flights.
Approximate costs from each airport to Foxwoods:
T. F. GREEN: Uber X $50, Uber XL $90, taxi $150.
BRADLEY: Uber X $85, Uber XL $140, taxi $220.
LOGAN: Uber X $175, Uber XL $320, taxi $400.
GROTON/NEW LONDON: Uber $30, taxi $50.
There are also buses which are very cheap, but the T. F, Green bus takes two hours and may run only once a day (in the morning), the Logan buses take almost 3 hours, and Bradley buses about 5 hours.
CAR RENTAL might also be considered, especially from Logan.